You Know You Are Awful

And “Black Mirror’s” Streaming Service Plans to Let the World Know It Too

Devette Lindsay
4 min readJun 21, 2023


Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

It’s no secret that your devices are all interconnected and constantly listening to you. It’s quite possible that they’re even recording and sharing every single thought you utter. And honestly, you don’t have the time, interest, or energy to go through those lengthy terms and conditions agreements. You simply click “I accept” without a second thought and enjoy whatever app you’ve just downloaded. It is safe to say, you don’t plan on changing that anytime soon. But maybe you should.

A Warning of What’s to Come

Have you seen the recently added season of “Black Mirror,” on Netflix? In the first episode of season six, we’re introduced to Joan, just your average mid-level tech manager who’s feeling adrift as she carries out her mundane work routine. At the end of a long day, Joan and her “bland boyfriend” (her words), flop down on the couch, looking for something to watch on this streaming service called Streamberry. tv-whose interface looks bizarrely similar to Netflix-a streaming service that you use.

As they scroll through the options, rejecting one show after another, they come across something called “Joan is Awful,” starring the…



Devette Lindsay

I'm a book reviewer and aspiring author dedicated to building a community by sharing my love for books and offering tips for new writers and creatives.