What’s the Scariest Book You’ve Ever Read?

The Other by Thomas Tryon Is not only a frightening tale but it broke my heart in two

Devette Lindsay
3 min readOct 26, 2023
Photo by silvana amicone on Unsplash

I don’t like the horror genre. Many moons ago, I declined to go to the drive-in with my family to see The Exorcist. Years later, I thought it would be safe to watch the edited version on television — boy was I wrong. I’m still traumatized by the sight of sweet-faced Regan MacNeil turning into a foul blister-ridden demon child spewing green clam chowder and horrible (bleeped) curse words at a priest. Ugh! God Bless Linda Blair.

But as a teen, I enjoyed books and films that were somewhat weird or slightly chilling. David Lynch’s Eraser Head for example — I found it a fascinating movie that danced on the edge of odd but never fell over into horror territory. My parents were shocked that I’d “watch such nonsense” but I knew that movie was a work of art.

Finding the Balance

My mom read everything: Harlequin, Agatha Christie’s mysteries, psychological thrillers, and horror. One evening I plucked The Other by Thomas Tryon from her bookshelf and started reading. When I looked up, three hours had whizzed by and I reluctantly went to bed. I finished that compelling read the next day.

The Other by Thomas Tryon



Devette Lindsay

I'm a book reviewer and aspiring author dedicated to building a community by sharing my love for books and offering tips for new writers and creatives.