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Make Your 2025 Reading Goals Matter
Let’s curate a meaningful reading list this year
Every year, many bibliophiles set the pointless goal of surpassing the number of books they read the previous year. I’m disappointed when some of my favorite book reviewers seem more focused on achieving an impressive vanity metric for their Goodreads page than engaging with the books themselves. I want to know what they’ve read and, more importantly, what they’ve learned from those reads.
Don’t get me wrong, reading for enjoyment has value. I enjoy selecting which book to read next, based on my mood, or following up on a fellow reader’s recommendation. But if you plan to read extensively this year, why not curate a TBR (to-be-read list) to help you grow in some area of your life? Reading intentionally can add to how we grow personally and professionally this year.
Ways to Read With Intention
Think about your resolutions and goals for this year. How can reading help you in reaching them? I’ve provided some ideas below:
Fun ways to enrich your reading experiences include:
- Watch and read. Pair a TV series with the book it’s based on. I highly recommend Netflix’s brilliant adaptation of One Hundred Years of…