Creativity Tip: Be Seen Trying

Perfectionism hinders growth; do your thing!

Daye Lindsay
4 min readSep 21, 2024


Photo by John Oswald on Unsplash

Being Less than Perfect is Hard

Most of us invest precious time in learning skills we want to master, whether speaking a foreign language, writing a novel, or improving our tennis game. Unfortunately, once we realize mastery requires interaction and feedback, we often dishonor the time we’ve invested by giving up or postponing our efforts to a future date that may never come.

I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying. ― Michael Jordan

Nobody Wants to Look Foolish

As an amateur 3D cake maker, I struggled for years with not wanting to be seen trying. I enjoyed baking custom cakes resembling objects or characters my friends and family admired. Still, I often treated it like a terrible secret because I didn’t want others to expect too much from me. I didn’t want to admit that I didn’t know how or if I could employ some of the necessary techniques to make a ‘perfect” cake design.

Also, hours before presenting the cake to my loved one, I would start to worry. I would obsess over tiny details no one else would notice and lament techniques that I hoped would work but failed. Small details the recipient wouldn’t notice…



Daye Lindsay

I'm a book reviewer and aspiring author dedicated to building a community by sharing my love for books and offering tips for new writers and creatives.